Restoration and resiliency: Shawnee marks one year since devastating EF-2 tornado

Shawnee and greater Pottawatomie County are still rebuilding one year after tornadoes swept through the area, but some ...

Shawnee and greater Pottawatomie County are still rebuilding one year after tornadoes swept through the area, but some ...

READ MORE: okcfox on MSN

One-time Shawnee Township detective sentenced

Former Shawnee Township Police Department Detective Jeremy Shellenbarger was sentenced Monday to two years on probation and 30 days in the county jail on a charge of obstructing justice.

Former Shawnee Township Police Department Detective Jeremy Shellenbarger was sentenced Monday to two years on probation and 30 days in the county jail on a charge of obstructing justice.

READ MORE: The Lima News
