Your fridge is a place where fresh food goes to die, but that doesn’t have to happen

But she says wasting food is not entirely our fault. "I don't think the fridge is designed with human behavior in mind," Zhao said. "The design hasn't changed for the past three or four decades. " ...

But she says wasting food is not entirely our fault. "I don't think the fridge is designed with human behavior in mind," Zhao said. "The design hasn't changed for the past three or four decades. " ...

READ MORE: Minneapolis Star Tribune on MSN

Proposed Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment draws rival crowds to Capitol for crucial votes

Impassioned supporters and opponents of a far-reaching Equal Rights Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution flocked to the ...

Impassioned supporters and opponents of a far-reaching Equal Rights Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution flocked to the ...

READ MORE: Associated Press on MSN
